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Prayer Basics


The answer to the healing of America may be the cleansing of the church — let us pray

fervently together for a holy, united, obedient, and “mighty in the Spirit” Church in America !


Though our team is scattered across Michigan , and prays at various times and in all types of

locations,  the essentials of our effectiveness in praying as a team include these simple but

profound basics:


Agreed Prayer—praying with our hearts supernaturally united by the enabling of the Holy Spirit around specific, exact requests. (Matthew 18:19)


Holy Prayer—Praying from hearts that have confessed and forsaken every sin and have been washed in the blood of Jesus and know it!  (Psalm 24:3-4)


Prevailing Prayer—Praying a matter of promise through, until it is actually answered

before our eyes, or until there is the deep assurance given by the Spirit that the prayer has been heard.  The key here is not quitting!  Not giving up!  (Matthew 7:7,8)


Believing Prayer—What a relief to experience the life of the Spirit within us generating faith in the promises of God, rather than trying to tell ourselves that we believe when we really don’t. 

Remember, beloved, faith is something God gives and maintains—keep thirsting after the Spirit in prayer for the ability to believe that what God has said He will do, and keep feeding your soul by daily trips to the Food Pantry of the Word, your Bible!  (Romans 10:17)


Will you please pray with us this week that our prayer army will be a group of men and women thoroughly infused with and anointed by the Holy Spirit of Almighty God.  In the same way God provided the oil as long as the widow provided empty vessels, pray that God will make us empty vessels for His use (2 Kings 4:1-7):

  • To pray as one heart supernaturally united in the depths of our hearts, in what we are asking.
  • That we would pray from holy lives and pure hearts with a lowly view of ourselves.
  • That we would pray with determination and discipline and not quit, not ever give up short of the answer.
  • And that we would pray with solid and unwavering faith in who our Lord actually is—the  One whose very Nature is the faithful and true One, Who is not capable of lying! 

            What He has promised, He will do.


Please pray with us, dear ones, for the Church in America—May we ask the Lord to grant us the gift of repentance—which includes the ability to see where we have strayed from His ways, as well as the ability to feel deeply enough the offense of the Lord over our sin that we would be changed in our behavior.


How can we claim the benefits of II Chronicles 7:14 if we will not meet the conditions—if the church in America does not repent, if pastors do not repent, if lay leadership (deacons, elders,

teachers) and the membership do not repent of the secularization of our churches, of the idolatry of pleasure and profits in our congregations, of the neglect of heart-rending prayer for the release of Pentecostal power, while gobbling up every gimmick that comes along hoping to attract more

people into our Sunday services.  To “repent” at its core, means to change your mind about some wrong act or attitude so that your behavior is then changed.  We have not biblically repented until both our minds and behaviors have changed.


Again, the answer to the healing of America may very well be the cleansing of the church — let us pray fervently together for a holy, united, obedient, and “mighty in the Spirit” Church in America!

Adapted from Watchman on the Walls, Dr. David Walker, Alamo City Christian Fellowship, Antonio, Texas. Used with permission.