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The following Scripture verses have been adapted to be prayed back to God. Use them to pray for the President, his cabinet, the Supreme Court, Congress, local officials, church leaders and pastors, for state and national elections, and that God will grant us godly government.


I pray that our leaders will delight in You, Lord.

                                                                                                ―Psalm 37:4     


I pray that our leaders will trust in You, Lord, with all their heart, and lean not on their own understanding, and that they will acknowledge You in all their ways, and You will direct their paths.

―Proverbs 3:5-6


I pray that you will always help our leaders to have a wise and gentle answer that turns away wrath.

―Proverbs 15:1


O Lord, remind our leaders continually that You alone are their strength, and that it is You who allow them to

accomplish good things.

―Habakkuk 3:19


I pray that when our leaders face obstacles they will remember that victory comes not by might nor by power, but by Your Spirit.

―Zechariah 4:6


I pray that our leaders will turn to you for strength, knowing that they can do all things through Christ who

strengthens them.

―Philippians 4:13


I pray that you will grant our leaders the passion and the will to do their work heartily, remembering that they are  serving You and not men.

―Colossians 3:23


O faithful Lord and God, strengthen and protect our leaders and guard them from the evil one.

―II Thessalonians 3:3


I pray that our leaders will submit willingly to You, O God, resisting the devil so the enemy will flee from them.

―James 4:7


I pray that our leaders, by doing good, may silence the ignorance of foolish men.

―I Peter 2:15


I pray that our leaders will confess their sins before You, and know that You are faithful and just and will cleanse them from sin and forgive them for all unrighteousness.

―I John 1:9


O God, let our leaders be confident in approaching You, realizing that You hear their prayers when they ask in

accord with Your will.

―I John 5:14-15

Adapted from Watchman on the Walls, Dr. David Walker, Alamo City Christian Fellowship, Antonio, Texas. Used with permission.